Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Tears for freedom

First, I must apologize for neglecting my diary. It's not that I've been busy. I guess I haven't been angry enough to overcome my literary malaise.

Well, I would be angry today, but my despair over what happened today has simply absorded my anger. It did not absord my ability to write something about it.

I guess it's called the Detainee Treatment Act. It was signed into law today. There are a lot of things I am upset about in this law. For example, torturing people in accordance with the president (our public servant). Yeah, he can decide what kind of torture you can get, never mind common article III of the Geneva Convention. He can have you tortured indefinately, if he feels that way.

What happened today was that the president and his GOP congress suspended our right of Habeas Corpus. So now, if I get on the president's bad side, he can have me arrested. He doesn't have to tell me why I've been arrested. My request for legal counsel or to have my case heard in court have can be denied - forever.

I can be imprisioned forever, without trial, without charge.

So I wept today, for our country and it's constitution, because this act violates both.


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